Need help with this ? Click here Topic: INTRODUCTION TO FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND Description Write a three- to five-page paper answering the following questions: 1. Suppose you own a small business. You have two choices on how to run the business. One is to manage the business yourself, the other is to hire a manager and spend your time vacationing in Hawaii most of the time. Which situation is more likely to induce agency costs, and what kind of ways could you use to deal with these agency costs? Explain your answer with references to the required background readings. 2. In your small business you have a finance department with a CFO, controller, and treasurer. For the following scenarios, explain which of these three financial executives would be the most likely to work on the issue based on the descriptions of the roles of the CFO, controller, and treasurer from Brealey, et al. (2009) in the background readings a. You suspect that a lower-level employee has embezzle...