Question 1
a) Calculate the first-order partial derivatives for the following functions and evaluate
them to the indicated values:
1. 3 2 3 2
z = f(x, y) = 3x - x + 3y - y ;
rate fx(2,1) et fy(2,1).
2. z = f x y = x - y + x y - y x + y 3 2 2 3 ( , ) 3 2 2 ;
rate fx(1,2), fx(3,4), fy(1,2) et fy(3,4).
b) Calculate the second-order partial ¶ 2
z / ¶ x
, ¶ 2
z / ¶ y
, ¶ 2
z / ¶ x ¶ y and ¶ 2
z / ¶ y ¶ x
the following functions and, for the function of the first sub-question, evaluate them to
the indicated values:
1. z f (x, y) x x y 2xy 3 2 2 = = + + ;
rate xx f (3,2), yy f (4,1), xy f (1,3), yx f (1,3).
2. z = f (x, y) = ln(2x + y).
3. 4 2 2 2 4
z = f (x, y) = 2x - 7x y + 5y - 3y .
Question 2
The cost function of a company that jointly produces two outputs, x and y, is given by:
( , ) 4 5 3 525 2 2 CT = f x y = x + y - xy + .
a) Calculate the first-order partial derivatives fx and fy. Interpret.
b) Calculate the second order partial derivatives fxx, fyy, fxy and fyx. What information
provides the sign of each of these derivatives?
Question 3
Either the production function where L represents the labor input and K the capital input.
Initially, the company uses L = 64 and K = 27 units of these inputs, then decides to
increase the work of one unit and the capital of two units. How much will the output
increase? Your answer must include an exact value and an approximate value
Question 4
Are the following functions homogeneous? If yes, determine their degree of homogeneity
using Euler's theorem:
1. 4
f (x, y) = 4x y - 2x .
x y g x y
+ ( , ) = .
3. 3
( , , ) 6 -
h x y z = x y z .
4. ( , ) 5 3 2 10 4 2 6 6 j x y = x y - x - y - .
Question 5
An individual withdraws his satisfaction from the two goods he consumes x1 and x2. Its
preferences are represented by the utility function
( , ) ( 2)( 1) u x1 x2 = x1 + x2 +
and he faces the following budget constraint
4x1 +10x2 = 204 .
a) Using the Lagrangian technique, find the quantities of goods that maximize the
satisfaction of this individual, ( , )
1 x x
b) What is the maximum utility of this individual ( * u )
Question 6
A company seeks to determine the highest level of production Q that it can achieve from
its factors of production L, K and E, ie labor, capital and energy. However, the budget
allocated to him for the purchase of his factors of production cannot exceed $ 60,000,
which results in the following constraint:
CT = 10L + 5K + 2E = 60,000$
Knowing that its technology is given by the production function:
1/ 2 Q = 2,5L 1/ 3 K 1/ 6 E .
a) Find, using the Lagrangian technique, the quantities of factors that would allow it to
maximize its output level (L *, K *, E *);
b) What is the maximum output level (Q *)?
MPA/MBA 682 final paper assignment sheet Hufsted Ethical Decision Making as Applied to an Issue Raised by Five Days at Memorial Choose one issue related to healthcare raised by the book Five Days at Memorial—anything from care provision inequities to administrative decisions about resource allocation.Then, follow the Hufsted Guide for Ethical Decision Making, as outlined below, to discuss a decision about that issue as you bring both legal and ethical considerations into the decision making process . I strongly recommend you run your paper topic past me so I can help you refine it before you invest a great deal of time in the research. This is an academic paper, not a journal or diary entry. It should be analytical rather than descriptive or anecdotal. A complete analysis will require 10-12 pages, not counting the title page and reference page. Follow APA format for all parts of the manuscript. Review the plagiarism policy to avoid getting a zero on this major project. An Ethi...
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